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Web Services

Web resources at CMU

It is possible to get disk space for a web page under the tree. Details about how to request this can be obtained from CMU Computing Services. Students may also create a web page via Google Sites.

The Math Dept offers a variety of web services structured in the following way:

    • the official presentation is located under the main website of the department and can be updated by sending requests to
    • users can create their own personal website which is associated with the math account. Details below.
    • webpages for conferences and scientific projects can be created by requesting an account on one of the dedicated departmental websites. Please see Florin in Wean Hall 6218 to find the most appropriate solution for your project.

Creating your own web page

Each math account is associated with a website with the URL where username is the math login. To create the webpage, the user should populate the "public" directory from the qwe account.

Please use the following checklist:

    • Please do not delete any symbolic links that are by default in the "public" directory.
    • Files should be world readable, please use "chmod a+r filename" to change the permission of filename if needed.
    • Any changes in the web files should show up instantly, please hit the "Reload" button of your web browser.
    • To restrict to certain folders based on a custom password or on the andrew credentials, please use the procedure explained under the FAQs section.

Editing/maintaining web pages

A simple website can be created and maintained using the editor from seamonkey. If a more complicated site is desired, more advanced tools are needed. A good Open Source HTML editor (not WYSIWYG) is Bluefish. It can be used by issuing the command "bluefish" on any qwe or private math computer.